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Just suppose for one moment that you and I would meet each other somewhere and I would ask you the question: Are you Happy? What would you answer?

Probably the first thought that comes into your mind is: what a simple question of course I am? But the crux of this blog is: really?

Are you really happy? Are you living the life you want and have always dreamt of having? Are you happy with your partner? Are you following your dreams? Do you, each and every day, get up in the morning feeling happy? Thinking a brand new day, let’s see what wonderful things are going to happen today?

Ah I see you are beginning to think that perhaps the answer you first thought of is giving you doubts now?

The majority of people will answer the question Are you Happy? By saying Yes. Very few will actually dare to say No!

So let’s have a little think about this before I ask the question again:

Is there anything you would like to change in your life, if so what?

Do you feel that you are in the right profession, would you like to change? Can you and if not why not?

Are you in a situation where you feel in any way you are not happy with your partner, your family or friends?

Do you often feel that you always have to defend not only your actions, but your thoughts as well?

Do you dare to speak your truth?

Do you have a dream, if so, do you actually tell people? Would you tell someone close to you or even just a colleague?

When you have to make a choice, do you make a choice that you totally agree with, or do you just go along ‘with the herd’ and what is expected of you?

Do you do things with passion?

Do you actually listen to your inner voice?

I could go on and on asking questions, but it comes back to the basic one: Are you happy? Totally happy? If so, well done, you don’t need to read any further. But are you totally honest with yourself?

If you have the feeling of doubt that you cannot answer the question with a resounding Yes! Then it is time to take action!

Taking into account the society in which we live: We all live in a fast moving society when there is little time to take your personal needs into account. We are expected to perform, from an early age at school, then into further education, and then into our careers. As mothers, fathers, grandparents there is a lot expected from each and every one of us.There is no time any more for slow-starters or people who do not get on ‘with the job’, you are replaceable and now we have the added pressure of being on the digital highway as well. Society demands performance. And we all feel the need to be recognised for it as well.

Just imagine that you are in a job that you do not like. You have done all your training in that area, but basically it is not you thing in the end. You are in the treadmill of going to work just to earn money. You have to earn money to survive or at least that is what you think. On the one hand it is true, but as a good friend of mine says, money is energy and people just do not take enough advantage of the amount of money that is in circulation. Probably like me, you rarely have cash in your purse these days; everything is paid with a swipe of a card, or putting your pin number into a machine. Everything is plastic and digital. From the receipt of money to the paying out of money. The majority of our bills are paid on digital internet banking.

But stop for a moment that think, what if I was doing a job or a profession that I love. Wouldn’t the energy be different then? Of course it would, but not many people actually dare to take the step and make a drastic career change and why not? Too much effort?

At this point you have to remind yourself that if you are doing a job, you love, then you feel much happier. You have much more self esteem about what you do on a day-to-day basis. Wouldn’t life be much more fulfilling if each and every day you went to work feeling not only happy to be there doing something you love, interacting with like minded colleagues, in a friendly happy atmosphere. When you went to leave at the end of the day then you would feel satisfied.

The most important thing about what you do in life is that it should be something that gives you passion. Passion is a powerful energy and when you use it properly, it gives big rewards.

The same applies to everything in your life. Do you like the home you have, if not, why not? Would you like to move?

Do you own the car you want (and here we have to remain sensible) because of course we all have our own dream car! Think here what the car actually means to you. It is not a status symbol, even though a lot of people are judged on what they possess. A car literally gets you from one place to another. That is all. It is a thing of convenience. Nothing more.

In the middle of typing this blog, I suddenly felt drawn to pick a card from my favourite pack of Powercards by Leonie Zieverink, and I blindly chose (well actually it fell out of the pack as I shuffled them).

Card 28: Concentration

Strangely enough, or not the words on the card are very appropriate for this blog:

It says: ‘You are aware of what you can do with your intelligence and concentration. You learn during this process how you can achieve your goals. This card often comes up in a situation with problems, but you have it in you to solve this with your own power. Keep your goals in sight and remain ambitious’.

So coming back to my original question when I ask you once more: Are you happy? What is your answer now? Is there something you would like to change? If so, just get on with making that change. It is fundamentally important to follow your dreams, your desires and your passion. Even if this means drastic change.

Having the courage to not only listen to your heart but to follow what it is saying. Daring to step out of the box and make a choice. A choice is a choice, but it is important that you make the right choice for yourself and not just do what others say or expect of you.

When you are happy you will really notice a huge shift in the energy surrounding you and all the people you meet. This energy will be powerful and others will feel it too.

Interacting with people who can feel this energy will be totally different.

Life will take on a new meaning when you can truthfully answer the question: Are you happy?

If you are still thinking perhaps no and you want change, then this is the moment to start the change. You don’t have to take huge strides all in one go, but take small steps at first to instigate the change you desire. The whole point is that you start taking action, right now!

Don’t put it off any more. You will never be happy if you do. Don’t live with regrets, take action straightaway. Just make sure, if we meet somewhere and I ask you the question: Are you happy? That you can then give me a truthful answer.

Change starts with you and only you!

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