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8.8.17 11.11 hours
Breaking news! Just published my 8th book this morning entitled: Fireflies in the Summer (and other short stories) and this is will be available in a few days through For those of you not in the catchment area, please send me a message via my email page, I am happy to order the book for you and post on. The book is priced at Euro 19.00 and postage varies of course on the destination. Very excited as this story was inspired by real fireflies that I saw this year in Limburg in Euverum. Never ever seen them before in 'real life' and understood that this is quite a rare event. I started to write about them as a blog, but it turned out to be a book in the end. The majority of which was written in Limburg too. Very inspiring place and reminds me so much of England with its undulating hills and cattle grazing on the slopes. The trees are more established there too.
So been very busy of late, and now its holiday time and taking a break until the beginning of September when new projects await - another big translation project (a book) .
Loving the synchronicity of the date today a triple 8, the 8th book at the time of publication 11.11 hrs. Astrologically and energetically this is an important month in my own star sign Leo. A lot happening and today marks the opening of the Lion's Gate Portal and the connection to the star constellation Sirius. A lunar eclipse on the 7th August and a total solar eclipse on the 21st (the day after my own birthday). 
5th July 2017
The Dutch translation is nearly ready of the Blue House, and hoping to release and publish this book at the end of July, beginning of August. Posted out the information yesterday on social media and there has been a lot of response, so just a little bit more patience, it will be ready soon. This is a real first for me, that I am going to publish one of my books in Dutch .... Thrilled that Hans Brockhuis has been the one to do the work (we have been friends for many years and connected through Running Fox Papers) and looking forward to seeing the manuscript.
Also a new book just finished and now in the editing and checking phase : FIREFLIES IN THE SUMMER. Inspired by the real fireflies in the woods at Osebos in Euverum in Limburg. Never ever seen fireflies for real and it was magical. It inspired me to write what I thought would be a blog about seeing them, but it turned out to be a chapter of a book. At the time I was not sure how the story would unfold, but it has and finished it on Monday. 
The first 6 months of this year have been extremely busy.  I have done a lot of translation work too. For Janosh with his new book: ACTIVATE YOUR CALLING and also for Gabriela and Reint Gaastra : Mary Magdalene and Jesus  - Their Life, Their Love and Their Mission. This is the first book in the series and I have already started the work on the second book.
and earlier this year ....
14th February 2017 at 14.02 hrs
Valentine's Day!
Happy to announce the publication later today of my latest book, THE BLUE HOUSE, a romantic novel which will be available in a few days through If you are not in the catchment area for this site, you can order through me, no problem and I am happy to send the book to you (adding the costs for postage). Feeling very excited about releasing this book in a couple of hours.
the first comments about the book start to come in
21st March 2017....
In the meantime received two amazing reviews from people who have now read The Blue House.
'An eloquently written book that fills the heart with emotion. Full of inspiration and love with a lovely twist. Enjoy reading the Blue House'
(LAI, England)
'The Blue House a breath of fresh air for lovers of realistic fiction reveals the entwining stories of Grace and Matthew as they maneuver their way through life's delicate and complex scenarios. The Blue House is an honest, intricate and realistic story that resembles the nuances of Elizabeth Gilert's Eat Pray Love.'
(SdB, Austria)
Wow what a story! It was engaging from beginning to end and I don't think you left anything out. The final page was not a surprise to me, as I know you so well. I enjoyed the interaction of the story seen from the eyes of the two main characters as opposed to chapter form, with only two viewpoints from daughter 'Claire' to fill in difficult gaps. Well done indeed. I am going to pass it onto friends to read!
MK (New Brunswick, Canada)
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